19 JANUARY 1907, Page 15


[To TEE EDITOR 07 THE "SPEOTATOR:1 am indebted to you for allowing space for my letter of September 29th, 1906. I am glad to say three or four kind friends replied most sympathetically, and we have (as a result of the correspondence) some ably written books for winter reading, which will be a great treat to many in this part of far-off China. I would be glad to purchase read copies of either of the following, or would return them if preferred (paying postage both ways): Nineteenth Century, Blackwood, Contemporary. The following would also be valued :—" A Tale of the Sea," by Frank T. Sullen; "A Summer Ride through Western Tibet," by Jane E. Duncan; "The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville," by Ethel Wedgwood.—I am, Sir,