19 JANUARY 1929, Page 12


Phyllis. Pearsall is showing about thirty water colour drawings of a great variety of subjects at the Claridge Gallery. As the first exhibition of an artist who has only been painting a short tithe, the work is very promising. Mrs: Pearsall goes for her colours courageously, but a kind of untidiness detracts from the strength of many of her pictures. Her washes slop over too much, while a little more control of them would blend her subject together, and add to the strength which is there. Vigour, and Rue du Sud, Furnes, drawings of the same street, are both good, and so are the reflections in The Nieuport Canal, but in the latter the whole is inclined to be flat. Voyage en Espagne, a still life, appears to have been painted with less abandon, and gains thereby.