19 JANUARY 1929, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Now that the rush of Christmas is over, I again crave the hospitality of your columns to announce my most grateful thanks for further subscriptions received to liquidate the debt on the building of the Model Humane Abattoir, erected at tetchworth _ by the Animal Defence Society, which is to demonstrate by practical means the humane- treatment of animals before slaughter, including stunning by a mechanical instrument, the hygienic treatment of meat thereafter, and the welfare of the men employed.

In addition to the sum of £872 8s. previously published in the Spectator, the following donations have been received :- Lady Struthers, £10 ; Mr. Evelyn, 250 ; Miss Reckitt, £50 ; Miss Hankey, 5s. ; Mrs. Heatherley, £1 ; Mrs. Blackwell, 5s. ; Mr. Henry Bell, £2 ; Mr. Beale, 2s.- 6d. ; The First Tisbury Girl Guides Company, 18 ; Mrs. Phillips, £5 5s. ; The Swindon Workers' Education Association, £1 ; Mrs. Brookes, £3 ; Mrs. Fenton, 5s, ; Lady Muriel Willoughby, £8 ; Mr. Richard Holden, 5s. ; Anon., 11 ; Mrs. Enthoven, 5s. ; Brig.- General C. H. L. James, C.B., C.M.G., ; Mr. Allison, 12 ; Lord Grey de Ruthyn, £5 ; Lady Ernie, tl ; The Hon. Dame Maude Lawrence, £1 is. ; Mrs. Miller, £100 ; Measns. Helni & Co.,, £5 ; Mrs. Pepper, £1 ls. ; Mrs. Martin, 5s. ; Mr. J.L.

Hammond and Mrs. Hammond, ls. ;, Mrs. VVIrelpton, Ll Is. ; Miss Florentia Poore, £1 ls. ; Mr. Parke, 11 ; Anon., 5s. ; Mr. S. J. Cotton, £10 10s. ; Mrs. Yates, 5s. ; Mrs. Robeson, 5s. ; Anon., £100.—I am, Sir, &c., NINA HAMILTON & BRANDON; - President. •

.Defence Society, 35 Old Bond Street, W. I..