19 JANUARY 1929, Page 2

The opposition in South Africa to the Trade Treaty with

Germany has extended to the ranks of the Nation- alists themselves, and the Government are apparently open to reasonable suggestions for its amendment before they ask for ratification. It is doubtful, however, whether amendment is possible, since the Treaty has ratified by the Reichstag. There is some sense, however, in the argument of the President of the Associated South African Chambers of Commerce (who issued a separate memorandum in support of the Treaty) that the period of validity might be 'shortened from two years to one-- subject to six 'months' notice ; for, it is, as he says, unlikely that the scope of Imperial Preference would be extended during, the year of a general election..: As

it stands, the Treaty ,grants Geimany under a most

favoured-nation clause the benefit of any future prefer- ences, and only prOvidei for the inclusion of ex:sting preferences, should these be extended to other parts of the Empire. , * * * *