19 JANUARY 1951, Page 16

Settlement in Nepal

Sta,.....yor editorial comments on India have been consistently cynical

and wilfully perverse. lt seems to be a case " India is damned if she is perchance right and, of course, India is damned if she is wrong, as she always is." Your comments on India and Nepal are of a piece with this attitude. You are fully entitled to your own opinions in the matter, but evidently it does not occur to you that there might be other points of view, too.

It is a sad commentary on the public morality of a Western Power committed to democracy that one of its leading periodicals should resent the grant of p 'modicum of popular government in Nepal. Perhaps, according to you, the only fate reserved for the hapless Gurkha is to have the supreme privilege of being used as cannon-fodder in the British Army for it is undeniable that in the heat of battle there are things which Tommy Atkins cannot do and which Johnny Gurkha does unflinchingly. Not for him the dubious rights of self-government and social betterment but only the duty of marching to the orders of a British subaltern. May the Gurkha be spared from his friends in Britain.