19 JULY 1834, Page 9

A series of lette-s published in the Morning Chronicle tinder

the sig. nate,e of " Vismic.s," have recently attracted a good deal of public arent:ott. They are addcssed to Mr. STANLEY, Sir JAMES GRAHAM, the Duke of C.i.t IVI:RLAN el, and Sir CHARLES MANNERS SUTTON. The w,•ier exposed Mr. STANLEY'S inconsistency in supporting Ca- tholic Entancipatioe, the Repeal of the Test Act, and Parliamentary Reform, and yet s:opping short of Ecclesiastical Reform, as if the coma .s was satisfied, as well as the Whig Aristocracy, with what had b: ea accomplished in that way. Sir JAMES GRAHAM is accused of sys- tematic treacher7 in the disposal of his patronage among the Tories, in order to make fr;ends for himself with the " Mammon of unrighteous- ness ; " and the failure of his underhand proceedings, and disgraceful apostacy from the principles of Reform, afford ground for much exulta- tion and invective. The Duke of CUMBERLAND'S attempts to form a political party for himself in the country are unmasked and severely comme ited on. The last victim to the pen of VINDEN is the Speaker; whose ludicrous e:Torts to place himself at the head of an Ultra- Tory Adinio's„rat'on a e justly derided. Even his qualifications for the Coe'r are I lied in question. We !earn from the Times, that the authorship of these letters is as- cribed to Lord BFOUGHAM. The Times affects to disbelieve the rumour, but the tone of several recent articles in that paper conveys an impres.. 5:or that it bel:eues it. The style in which they are written-a bad im:i.tion of Junius-affords no evidence whereby to discover the real author of the letters : being sn imitation of another model, it would of course not resemble the Ciente Hoes o•,I n style.