19 JULY 1834, Page 10

The Duke of Wellington is currently reported to have informed

the Speaker, on a recent convivial occasion, that " none but d—d fools Would dream of the return of the Tories to power." But this sage doctrine does not consort with the vanity of the Chair, or wita the particular yearning of its oecupant for the Premiership. We think, however, that the 1Vhigs are justly recompensed fur inconsistently pro- moting Sir Charles Milliners Sutton—a covert enemy—to the Speaker- ship of the first Reformed House of Commons. His Majesty and Lord Melbourne would act wisely if they would show their moderate Valuation of the political faculties of the Speaker by making him a Lord. We should as soon dream of a whale absorbing all the waters of the North Sea, as of Sir Charles Mariners Sutton embarrassing a Ministry in the Upper House.—Morning Chronicle.

We understand that Mr. Eagle, the barrister, whose writings against the Church are so well known and appreciated, intends to op- pose Sir John Cam llobhouse, at Nottingham—True Sun.