19 JULY 1845, Page 20


Tuesday, July 15.


Taylor and HeBiwa, Klrkburton, brewers-Chepstow Wine and Spirit Company, Chepstow ; as far as regards J. Gardiner, J. Baker, and J. Morris-Jones and Ripley, Huddersfield, wholesale druggists-Rouse and Hodgson, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, car- penters-J. and E. Cook, Goodman'e Yard, Minorics, soap-makers-Playford and Son, Great Yarmouth, pawnbrokers -Hely and Roberts, Saltash, Cornwall, schoolmasters- Williams and Haydon, Queen Street, Cheapside, merchants-Henshaw and Co. Man- chester, merchants-Margetson and Co. New Weston Street, Bermondsey, leather- .dreseers-Moore and Bally, Durweston Mills, Dorsetshlre, millers-Load and Mair, Watling Street, warehousemen-Davies and Co. Blackfriars Road, linendrapers- O'Dwyer and Robinson, Wakefield, stockbrokers-Skuse and Hicks, Buttermere, Wilt- shire, farmers-Radcliffe and Evans, Liverpool, estate-agents-Garthweite and Co. Brighouse, flax-spinners-Hughes and Co. Manchester, engravers-Purdy and Fendt, Finch Lane, violin-makers-Midgley and Co. Leeds-J. and W. Hughes, Birmingham, maltsters-Wilks and Co. Leeds, stuff-merchants ; as far as regards J. Shepard-E. and W. Grandy, Birmingham, lacemen-Bennet and Co. Kingston-upon-Hull, bonded. Ship-store-dealers-Foster and Bird, Cambridge, vinegar-manufacturers-Peirce and Long, Richmond, Surrey, ironmongers-Siva and Co. Crutchedfriars-Chamlgo and Co., and Silva and Co., Oporto, merchants.


COOKE, HENRY, Liverpool, painter, to surrender July 29, Aug. 22: solicitors, Vincent and Sherwood, Temple ; Mr. Jones, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.

HAIGH, BENJAMIN, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, manufacturer, July 23, Aug. 18 : soli- citors, Messrs. Emmett and Allen, Bloomsbury Square; Messrs. Alexander, Halifax ; Mr. Courtenay, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Feame, Leeds. Las, Joan, jun. Liverpool, wine-merchant, July 29, Aug. 22 : solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple; Messrs. Brabner and Co. Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool. ROBINSON, Joan, Beverley, Yorkshire, spirit-merchant, July 28, Aug. 18: solicitors, Mr. Lambert, John Street, Bedford Row ; Messrs. Shepherd and Myers, Beverley ; Messrs. Payne and Co. Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Feame, Leeds.

Rossos-, WILLIAM, Chipping Barnet, grocer, July 30, Aug. 26 : solicitor, Mr. Sad- grove, Mark Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

TAYLOR, Taoism; Dowress, Brooke Street, Holborn, oilman, July 24, Aug. 26 soli- citor, Mr. Berkeley, Lincoln's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street. DIVIDENDS. Aug. 5, Goodeve, Chichester, clerk-Aug. 11, Phillips and Peason, South Place, Fins- bury, silk-dressers-Aug. 5, Kipling and Atkinson, Wood Street, warehousemen-Aug. 8, Lakin, Nottingham, builder-Aug. 7, Golborne and Dobbs, Liverpool, wine-mer- Chants-Aug. 6, Dobbs, Liverpool, wine-merchant-Aug. 8, Parr, Liverpool, plumber- Aug. 7, Mottram, Liverpool, wool-broker-Aug. 8, Berrill, Liverpool, merchant-Aug. 8, Rowlands, PwllhelL Carnarvonshire, wine-dealer-Aug. 7, Shepherd, Liverpool, bootmaker-Aug. 6, Taylor, Carlisle, miller-Aug. 6, Heron, South Blyth, Northumber- land, shipowner-Aug. 6, Pigott, Darlington, linen-manufacturer-Aug. 5, Rogers, Dale Hall, Staffordshire, earthenware-manufacturer-Aug. 7, Robinson, Burton-upon- Trent, draper-Aug. 7, Dixon, Kidderminster, carpet-manufacturer-Aug. 8, 'mon, Handsworth, Staffordshire, merchant. CERTIFICATES.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Aug. 7, Kimble, Great Marylebone Street, bootmaker-Aug. 5, Sheraton, Hartle- pool, corn-merchant-Aug. 5, Martyn, Durham, llnendraper-Aug. 14, Nichols, Cole- ford, Gloucestershire, auctioneer-Aug. 7, Saffrai, Huddersfield, cloth-merchant-Ang • 7, Robinson, Lelcester, wine-merchant-Aug. 6, Jones and Cresskill, Rochdale, book- Belies's.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or Wore Aug. 5. Hill, Stroud, hatter-Winseombe, Clifton, bootmaker-Wood, Barnsley, Yorkshire, linen-manufacturer-Bidder, Fleetwood-on-Wyre, Lancashire, slate-dealer-Carter, Hornsey Road, carpenter-Granger, Belly Mill, Durham, paper-manufacturer-Fraley, Bristol, Unendraper. DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS.

Murcott ; first div. of I Id. any Thursday; Mr. Christie, Birmingham-Harvey, Randsacre, Staffordshire, spirit-merchant; final div. of 33.31d. any Thursday ; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham-Kirkpatrick, Newport, Isle of Wight, banker; third div. of 2s. 6d. any Wednesday, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street ; or on July 18 and 19, at the Town- ball, Newport-Chandler, Mammies, chemist ; first div. of Is. 4d. July 16, and two sub- sequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Gotha, Bedford Place, Commercial Road, bookseller; first div. of 6s. 6d. July 16, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Blytb, Colchester, porter-merchant ; first div. of Is. 9d. July16, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Meg°, Dunster Court, Mincing Lane, merchant; first div. of fist. July 16, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Herbert, Reading, tea-dealer; first div. of 3s. 4d. on July 16, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Burge, Weston- super-Mare, tailor; final div. of 81d. July 16, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Ky- naston, Bristol-Carpenter, Chippenham, Wiltshire, Innkeeper; final div. of 31d. July 16, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Kynaston, Bristol-Robinson, Eccleston, lime- burner; first div. of 75. July 17, or any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool -Lewis, Haverfordwest, cabinetmaker ; final die. of lid. July 16, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Rynaston, Bristol-Rowley, Liverpool, tailor; first div. of 2s. 6d. July 17, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.

Friday, July 18.


Pondered and Wright, Wellingborough, spirit-merchants-Zwllehenbare and Co., Li- verpool, commission-merchants ; as far as regards R. Zwllchenbart-Screeton and Dales, Kingston-upon-Hull, joiners-Phillips and Doughty, Whitechapel Road, bakers-Pers- house and Welch, Birmingham, bra.ssfounders-E. and W. Cato, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocers-Binns and M'Leod, Halifax, hat-manufacturers-A. and E. Gilbert, Shiffnall, schoolmistresses-Lamb and Staniforth, Sheffield, button-manufacturers-Boulton and Boulton junior, Hanley, mercers-Allsopp and Drewry, Barton-upon-Trent, brewers- Hewson and Stuart, Leeds, painters-Moore and Co., Liverpool, ale-dealers ; as far as regards J. M'Creight-Courtice and Blake, Park, Devonshire, tanners--Cross and Lucas, Oswestry, wine-merchants-Mllnes and Robinson, Lower Thames Street, coal-fac- tors-Christy and Co. Gracechurch Street, bat-manufacturers; as far as regards W. M. Christy-Lowe and Oakley, Ryde, coal-merchants-Hayes and Charnock, Wigan, coal-dust grinders-Rose and Dyson, Leeds, stockbrokers-Stott and Co., Skircoat, Yorkshire, wood-grinders-- Aulesbrook and Ward, Nottingham, general-agents; as far as regards Aulesbrook--Johnston and Co., Thames Bank, Chelsea, serap-iron-manufac- turers-Leete and Warburton, Tottenham Court Road, Ironmongers-Hemiman and

00., Bristol, fishmongers. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.

WATERS, THOMAS, St. W0011011, Monmouthshire, hay-dealer.


BEosewicH, HENRY, Leamington Priors, grocer, to surrender July 29, Aug. 20: soli- citor, Mr. Chesshire, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. COLLTPX, Jamas WENDER, Newgate Street, victualler, July 25, Aug. 29: solicitor, Mr. Reach, Staple Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. EVANS, Jones, Liverpool, ironmonger, Aug. 1, 22: solicitors, Mr. Wilkins, Furnival's Inn; and Mr. Brown, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. GREEN, ROBERT, Bristol, watch-maker, Aug. 4, 29: solicitors, Mr. Davison, Bread Street ; and Mr. Britten, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Kynaston, Bristol. HANSEN, PETER, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchant, July 24, Aug. 26: solicitors, Messrs. Chisholme and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Harle, Newcastle-upon- Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Watley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. PARRY, DAVID, Bunch", Denbighshire, currier, Aug. 1, 22: solicitors, Messrs. Ed- wards and Peake, New Palace Yard ; Mr. Evans, Denbigh ; Mr. Evans, Liverpool ; Official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.

SMITH, EDMUND, and Co. Woodhead, Cheshire, provision-dealers, July 29, Aug. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Bower and Son, Chancery Lane ; Mr. Brooks, Ashton-under-Lyne ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester. SPENCER, JOSEPH Junior, Liverpool, builder, Aug. 1, 22: solicitors, Mr. Walker, Fur- nival's Inn; Mr. Bradley, Liverpool : official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool.

&SODEN, JOHN and WILLIAM, Leeds, machine-makers, July 2, Aug. I8: solicitors, Messrs, Mitton and Nealor, Southampton Buildings ; Messrs. Dunning and Stawman, Leeds official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. WADLEY, Tames, Liverpool, broker, Aug. I, 22: solicitors, Messrs. Bridger and Blake, London Wall; Mr. Dodge, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS.

Aug. 12, Hock, Nine Elms, contractor-Aug. 12, Sholler, Portsea, grocer-Aug. 15, Richards, Deptford Bridge, plumber-Aug. 11, Soul, Long Alley, Moorfields, grocer- Aug. 9, Southern, Birmingham, grocer-Aug. 12, Hunter, Liverpool, merchant-Aug. 1, Forrest, Liverpool, glass merchants-Aug. 12, Heron, South Myth, Northumberland, shipowner-Aug. 14, H. J. and J. Dixon, Aldermanbury, carpet manufacturers- Aug. 14, Prodgers, Ludlow, banker-Aug. 14, Mucklow, Birmingham, publican- Aug. 16, Deakins, Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, horse dealer.


Pb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Aug. 11, Watling, Gilbert Street, Hanover Square, butcher-Aug. 11, Johnson, West Smithfield, innkeeper-Aug. 12, Marks, Mortimer Street, upholsterer-Aug. 12, Hicks, Upper Thames Street, drug grinder-Aug. 12, Chandler, Stanmore, ironmonger- Aug. 12, Harbottle, Amble, Northumberland, grocer-Aug. 12, Summers, Sunderland. coke manufacturer-Aug. 11, Buchanan, Duraley, Gloucesterehire, money scrivener- Aug. 12, Gregory, Weston, Somersetshire, Innkeeper-Aug. 8, Harris, Newtown, Mont- gomeryshire, currier.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or Wore Aug. 8.

Lester, Newrastla-nnder-Lyne, dealer In potters' materials-J. W., F. J., and J. Newton, Rotherham, spirit merchantp-Gerrard, Marsden, Yorkshire, cotton spinner-. Chambers senior, New Bond Street, banker-Cocksedge, Northfieet, miller-Barker, Manchester, druggist-Carter, Long Acre, coach plater-Balls, Holloway Road, livery stablekeeper-Knott, Bolton-le-Moore, druggist-011iver, Prestbury, Gloucestershire, livery stablekeeper-Haigh, Almondbury, Yorkshire, clothier-Michael, North Shields,

general dealer. DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS. Bothers", Wakefield, currier; first and final div. of Is. ld., any day on and after Mon- day, July 21; Mr. Young, Leeds-Brown, Sheffield, merchant ; first div. of 6s. and further div. of 10d., any day on and after July 21 ; Mr. Young, Leeds-Penzance, money-scrivener; thy. of 4d. and 1-16th. of a", penny any day after July 21 ; Mr. Hers naman, Exeter-Kilford, Southampton, cabinet-maker; Bret div. off lid., any Wed nesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Pile and Staunton, Bishopsgate Street With- out, wine-merchants; first divideud of I2s. 94.; and dividend of 205., on the separate estate of Staunton, any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.- Robinson, Bedford, grocer; tint div. of 3s. 11d. any Wednesday; Mr. Graham, Cole- man Street-Evershed, Pulborough, Sussex, timber-merchant; second div. of 3s. Lif. any Wednesday; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Smith, Southampton, corn-merchant; first div. of 5s. 3d. any Wednesday; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Bevely, New castle-upon-Tyne, plumber; first div. of 2s. on:any Saturday after July 14; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.-Brown, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, cooper; second and final div, of 9.s. 70d. (in addition to Is. previously declared) any Saturday after July 14; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Currie, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, bookseller; first and second dive. of 4s. 8d. on new proofs, any Saturday after July 14; Mr. Baker, New- castie-upon-Tyne-Hanlisty, Wakefield, Yorkshire, whitesmith ; first dlr. of 51. any day on and after Monday, July 21; Mr. Young, Leeds-Marshall, Kingston-upon-Hull„ builder; first div. of Os. 8d. any day on and after Monday July 21; Mr. Young, Leeds -Askam, Knottingley, Yorkshire, lime-burner; final div. of 4s. (making with former diva. 176. 4d.) any day on and after Monday, July 21 ; Mr. Young, Leeds.

SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION. DRUMMOND, J., Dulablane, farmer, July 21, Aug 12.