19 JULY 1845, Page 20


BRITISH FUND S. (Closing Prices.)

&turd. Monday. Fuesduy. Vanes. ]'hues. Friday%

tit% Cent for Accounti .

per Cents Reduced 3t per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per Cent . India Stock, 10} Exchequer Bills, lid. per diem India Bonds, 8 per Cent FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. et. — Massachusetts (Sterling)...5 p. Ct. Austrian a - -- Mexican . ........ • .6 -


14 955 Ditto (Deferred)... • - ...... 5 - Ditto — Michigan 6 -

Brazilian 5 995 Mississippi. (Sterling) 6 - Buenos Ayres 6 - 47 Neapolitan 5 — Chillan CI — New York (1868) .... ..• •5 -. Columbian (ex Venesuela)-0 - 18 Ohio 6 - Danish a - Pennsylvania 5 --

Dutch (Ex. 12 Guildess) ...21 - 3 Peruvian 6 - Ditto 4 - 995 Portuguese 6 -

French 3 - 83f. 50c. Ditto (Converted) -

Ditto 5 - — Russian 5 -

Indiana (Sterling) 6 - Spanish 6 - Illinois 6 Ditto 3 - Kentucky - — Ditto (Passive) Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - 80 Ditto (Deferred) .... ... ......... Maryland (Sterling) 6 Venezuela Active (Last Official Quotation


Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John Del Rey) Cobre Copper


Birmingham and Gloucester Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Grand Junction

Great North of England Great Western...- .

Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighton London and Blackwell London and Greenwich London and Birmingham London and Croydon Manchester and Birmingham Manchester and Leeds Midland South-eastern and Dover South-western York and NorthMIdland BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 6th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday the 12th day of July 1845. ISSUE DEPARTMENT. Notes issued £29,682,660 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 13,542,657 Silver Bullion 2,140,008

£29,682,660 C295682.660.

BANKING DEPARTMENT. Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities, (in-

Best 3,218,038 eluding Dead Weight Anntitty)£13,800,314

Public Deposits* 3,456,089 Other Securities 11,282,221 Other Deposits 11,356,519 Notes 8,068,970

Seven Day and other Bills .... 1,081,545 Gold and Silver COW 613,626

£33,665,161 L33,665,161

• IneludingExellequer, SavingsBanks,Commissioners of NationaiDebt&DividendAccounta.


Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ... £3 17 9 Copper, British Oakes £88 Foreign GoldinCoin,PortugalPieces 3 17 5 Iron, British Ban.... 8

New Dollars 0 4 9i Lead, British Pig .... 19 Silver in Bars, Standard .... . . 0 4 111 Steel, English o GRAIN, Mark lane, July 18. Per ton. O 0.. 0 0 0 o 0 .. 8 2 6 O 0 .. 19 10 0 O 0 .. 0 0 0

a. 8. Oats, Feed. 20 to21 Fine. 21-22 Poland .. 23-94 Fine. 24-25. Potato -28- 27 Fine 27-28

AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN. Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.

Wheat .... 488. Id. Rye 32. Id. Wheat . 20s. Od. Rye 10.s. Ild.

Barley . ... 29 9 Beans 38 9 Barley • 9 0 Beans 4 6

Oats .. .... 22 7 Pens 38 4 Oats 0 0 Peas 4 6 Weekly Averages for the Week ending July 12. Wheat,4134.10d.-Barley,29s.0d.-Oats,22s.6d -Rye, 33c. 1 id.-Beans,38.1.8S.-Peas, 38a. Ibis

Average Prim of Muscovado Sugar, 31.. tost. per cwt. Molasses, les. to 22s. 6d. per cwt.

981 ea d 981 99I 1021 58 pm- . 981 981 91 10221

2t0i Si

98i 981 996s1 99

98 es Ds) 99i 99 991 99) 1023 102 102i 1021

I1 125I — 11}

211i 211 211 211 275iest d 27 — —

53 56 54 64 6S pm 71 — --.

90 ex d. 95 705 335 86 65 118 265 37 e 15 SHARES. during the Week ending Friday Evening.) 227i exn 214

765 91

2434 221 61 171 191 481

1341 Ili

80 11

Australasian British North American Colonial Commercial of London London and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London


East and West India London St. Katherine Mrsccims tors-

Australian Agricultural

British American Land Canada General Steam Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam South Australian lel ex 106 215


Wheat,E.New44 to 48 Fine 52-56 Old........ 44 -48 White..... 50 - 54 Fine 51-6O Super. New 54 -60 Rye 30 W33 Barley 26-27 Malting 29-30 Malt, Ord 54-56 Fine 58-60 Peas, Hog 39-41 Maple 401042 White 98 -40 Boilers 40 -42

Beans, Ticks 36-38

Old. 38-40 Harrow 40-42