19 JULY 1873, Page 1


IT is semi-officially announced that the Duke of Edinburgh was on Friday last betrothed to the Grand Duchess Marie Alex- androwna, only daughter of the reigaing Emperor of Russia. The bride is twenty years old, has a magnificent dowry, and while retaining her own Greek faith, consents that all her children shall be brought up Protestants. The Duke retains his ,own creed, and will live alternately in England and Russia till he is called upon to take possession of his Principality in Germany. A considerable allowance is to be asked for him in Parliament ; and it will be granted, though some question may be asked why the pension should not proceed from Saxe-Coburg- Gotha, of which, and not of the English throne, the Duke is heir. The marriage, however, will be popular, for reasons we have tried elsewhere to explain, and there is little fear of the fuss made about the dowry of the Princess Louise.