19 JULY 1873, Page 2

The feature of the week in Spanish affairs is the

improvement in the position of the Carlists. They have received their breech- loaders and cartridges, principally from America, have concen- trated nearly 10,000 troops, and have taken Puycerda, which gives them some artillery. Don Carlos himself has re-entered Spain, has been received by his peasants with enthusiasm,. and has issued a proclamation calling on volunteers to die for their country. Better still for his cause, he has issued a pro- clamation ordering strict military law to be observed, and has sent troops to arrest the murderous priest Santa Cruz, who pro- fesses to be one of his followers. An attack was made on the priest's house, and although he managed to escape, his fol- lowers have submitted, and for the future, the civil war is to. be conducted in more humane style. It is the greatest mis- take in the world for Don Carlos not to pardon all who accept. him, and not to execute any officer of his own, however high in rank, who violates his safeguard.