19 JULY 1919, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—Your very interesting article on " Weekdays " contains the following sentence : "Children are apt to reply that the days have colours,' but cannot explain what they mean." As I can still remember how I saw the days in my childhood, perhaps my evidence may be of interest, although " the visionary gleam " has begun to "fade into the light of common day " and is not as clear as it was.

The days of the week appeared to me as coloured circles or discs, about the size of counters, and they arranged themselves in an oval, with Sunday at the bottom and Wednesday at the top. The colours were as follows : Sunday, black; Monday, white; Tuesday, red; Wednesday, yellow; Thursday, brown; Friday, dark grey (blackbird's egg); Saturday, some light colour. I am quite sure that these colourings were not in- fluenced by what happened on the particular days, or Monday —the day on which Catechism had to be learned—would have been black.

A friend of mine sees them differently. Sunday is Cambridge blue; Monday, " dirty white"; Tuesday, pale blue (cobalt); Wednesday, golden yellow; Thursday, raw sienna; Friday, burnt sienna; Saturday, Navy blue. We have consulted about a dozen other men, but none of them understands what we are