19 JULY 1919, Page 1

Sir Edward Carson went on to warn his hearers that

the Roman Catholic Church in America, with large funds at its disposal, was working with the Irish-Americans and the Germans to create an anti.British feeling. But ho would not yield to the agitation, as some fainthearts proposed, for fear of losing the goodwill of America. " The whole future of the world probably depends on the relations between the United States and ourselves, but I am not going to submit to this kind of campaign, whether for that friendship or for any other purpose. I to-day seriously say to America, ` You attend to your own affairs and we will attend to ours.' " The American Sinn Feiners should never have been allowed to enter Ireland for the purpose of stirring up strife and encouraging lawlessness. Sir Edward Carson denounced Sir Horace Plunkett, who, he said, had " boxei the compass of political profligacy " and was " rightly distrusted by both sides." If, he concluded, any attempt was made to deprive her of her liberties, Ulster would appeal with confidence for the sympathy of the British electorate. We comment further in a leading article on this notable speech.