19 JULY 1940, Page 15


Slit,—If anyone can believe that it would be only a change in name "if Hitler came," your article should enlighten him. Nevertheless, it omits to mention what to some of us is the greatest reason of all for resistance, viz.: the deformation and defilement of our children's minds which would follow.

As for Labour, the Oxford pamphlet Labour Under Nazi Rule is worth many times its price at 3d. Setting aside the question by what name the present German regime should be described, it concludes that there is one " unquestionable truth: namely that the status, the freedom, the power, and the conditions of work of the employed workers of Germany faave deteriorated to an almost inconceivable extent under the Nazi Government."—Yours faithfully, Orchard Hill, Brent Knoll, Somerset. AGNES FRY.