19 JULY 1940, Page 15


Stit,—The weak attitude of appeasement which we seem to be taking in regard to Japan's impudent demand to close the Sino-Burma road ti supplies is profoundly disturbing. Now comes the news of our attempt at mediation in the Sino-Japanese conflict, and the suggestion, according to the daily Press, that if our efforts prove unavailing we must leave China to her fate.

What should we think of any of our friends who at this hour asked us to make peace with Hitler? And why should China be asked to come to terms with a brutal aggressor after three years of conflict, in which, under the noble leadership of Chiang Kai-shek, she has maintained her morale and refused to accept defeat? Our moral support at this time, with a modicum of material assistance, may well turn the scale in China's favour and earn the gratitude- Of a nation which, like ourselves, is engaged in fighting for a righteous cause and for the preservation of her existence as a nation.