19 JUNE 1830, Page 9


STOCK EXCEIANGE, FRIDAY EveniNo.-We have had considerable business here during the week,and arise of nearly three quarters per cent. in prices. There haslong been an opinion thatthe difficulty of finding employment for money in any other way would, by continuing the demand for stock, occasion ultimately a considerable ad- vance of price ; but two causes have, as is well known, by checking purchases, de- layed this result; the one being the King's illness, and the other the fall in the French Funds. This week, however, the King has been so much better, that many sanguine persons begin to hope for his recovery ; and some advices from Paris having Stated very confidently that the large falls of stock which had been made there were Chiefly speculative sales for a future day, by parties who, not having the stock to de- liver, must by and by come forward as buyers ; this statement, which is sufficiently probable, has been generally believed here, and the result of the whole has been considerable purchases of both Consols for the Account and Stock for Money, so that every description of stock has advanced this week. Thus, Consols for Account, Which were so low as 92k last week, were done currently at 93 this afternoon ; Re- duced, which had been 911 advanced to 92; and 3* per Cents, which were 981 rose to 991 There was indeed a slight reaction towards the close of the day, but not ex- ceeding an eighth percent. which was natural enough. Money has been in rather more demand, but has not commanded an interest of more than 3 per cent.

In the Foreign Market, upon some statement of negOciation being about to be

opened between the MP Dons, Pedro and Miguel, the Pi rtuguese Bonds, which wad lately at 56 or 57, rose to 61, and are still near that pride. Brazil Bonds were af- fected by the same cause, .atal advanced to 731, but have since gone back a little. The other South American Bondstarie not varied materially since last week.

Russian and Danish Stocks are about hiolf per cent. higher Mood last week. Greek has been rather neglected, but the price is still maintained at between 36 and H. Spanish has been down to 171 but is recovered to 18/ and has been 181

In the Share Market, the Imperial Brazil Shares have been done at low prices, owing to some rumours of probable diiputes with a qcondatit Director ; but the con- cern is going on prosperously, and the disputes in question are not seriously believed to be likely to prejudice the general success of the Association. In other Shares prices are also lower, but not so much so in any as to require particular notice. If Consuls continue to advance, they will all begin to lift up their heads again.

HALF-PAST TWELVE, SATLIRDAY.-In the Consul Market there is hardly any

thing doing, but prices are a shade lower, 021 to In the Foreign Market there has been a little business in Spanish, which is a trifle higher ; but scarcely a bargain in an y other stock.