19 JUNE 1841, Page 4


THE usual routine of trips to Windsor and back again to Buckingham Palace has been broken by a visit which the Queen and Prince Albert have paid to the Archbishop of York at Nunehano. They left Buck- ingham Palace at ten o'clock on Monday morning, in an open carriage and four, escorted by a party of Hussars, and followed by the suite in two other carriages and four. The Marquis and Marchioness of Lans- downe joined the Royal party on Monday. Prince Albert assisted at the commemoration of Oxford University, on Tuesday. On Wed- nesday, the Queen and Prince Albert returned to Buckingham Palace.

The Queen held a Drawing-room on Thursday afternoon, at St. James's Palace. The attendance was not very numerous, and the list of names offers none for peculiar notice.

The Queen held a Court and Investiture of the Order of the Bath yesterday, at Buckingham Palace. At the Investiture were present, the Duke of Sussex, Acting Great Master of the Order, Lord Hill, the Earl of Minto, the Earl of Clarendon, and Sir W. Woods, Garter King- at-Arms. Vice- Admiral Sir David Milne was invested with a badge and star of Knight Grand Cross ; and Sir Charles Napier was knighted, and invested with the ensigns of a Knight Commander.

The Queen gave audiences, on Wednesday, to Viscount Melbourne; at the Court on Thursday, to the Marquis of Normanby, the Lord Chamberlain, Viscount Combermere, Gold Stick in Waiting ; yesterday, to the Earl of Albemarle, the Marquis of Normanby, and Lord John Russell ; and at the Court yesterday, to Baron Biome, the Danish Minister, to take leave, M. Montezuma, the Brazilian Minister, to deliver a letter, and ISL Triconpi, the Grecian Minister, to deliver his credentials.

The Queen and Prince Albert were present at the Italian Opera on Saturday.

On Tuesday, the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge and Princess Augusta of Cambridge attended at the Italian Opera. The Duke of Cambridge left town on Monday, for Windsor. He dined with the officers of the Sixtieth Rifles ; reviewed the regiment next day ; and then returned to town.

The Dutchess of Cambridge and Princess Augusta of Cambridge dined with the Duke and Dutchess of Beaufort, on Monday. On Wed- nesday, the Royal Duke and Dutchess gave a dinner-party at Cam- bridge House. Among the company were the Duke of Devonshire, the Duke and Dutchess of Beaufort, the Marquis of Normanby, and the Marquis and Marchioness of Douro. Yesterday, the Duke of Cam- bridge was a visiter at the Waterloo banquet.

On Thursday evening, Mademoiselle Rachel had the honour of reciting before the Queen and the distinguished guests at Windsor Castle. The recitations were selected from the Bajazet, Marie Stuart, and Andromaque. It is only necessary to say that Mademoiselle Rachel gave them with her accustomed grace, feeling, and energy. After the performance, the Queen expressed to Mademoiselle Rachel the gratifi- cation she had received ; and an additional mark of Royal approbation was given to her in the shape of a valuable bracelet, by the Dutchess of Sutherland.—Court Circular, June 14.