19 JUNE 1841, Page 6


The Edinburgh Advertiser says that the deputation from the minority of the General Assembly, which had an interview with Lord Melbourne last week, were received with great courtesy ; adding, that " his Lord- ship having been informed that the church of one of the deposed clergy- men (Mortlach) was in the gift of the Crown, the question was put, • whether his Lordship would consider that church vacant in conse- quence of the recent sentence of the Assembly ?' His answer was, Certainly not.'" Last week, an interdict was issued at the instance of the Earl of Kin- noul and Mr. Young against the Presbytery of Auchterarder and others, in consequence of a direction given by the General Assembly to the Presbytery to proceed to the settlement of a minister in the pastoral charge of the parish of Auchterarder, and to obey a special commis- sion appointed by the Assembly.

Meetings have been held to express sympathy with the seven de- posed ministers of Strathbogie, in Banff and Aberdeen. In Strath- bogie itself, several of the gentry of the neighbourhood, and moderate Churchmen from a distance, are eager to manifest their support of the ministers by attending in their churches or assisting in their pulpits.

A Committee of the Presbytery of Glasgow, appointed to examine into the allegation that the Reverend Patrick Brewster had preached in a Chartist church on the 18th of April, have reported in the affirmative ; pronouncing his conduct "highly censurable in any minister of the gospel, involving a gross violation of ecclesiastical order, a contempt of decency, a profanation of the Lord's Day, a desecration of the office of the Christian ministry, and a mischievous encouragement to disorgani- zation and misrule both in the Church and State" ; and therefore they deemed it their duty to recommend the Presbytery to report it to the Presbytery of Paisley, in order that they might deal with Mr. Brew- ster as they should think fit, according to the rules of the Church.