19 JUNE 1858, Page 10



Until today the English Stock Market had not varied 1 per cent from the opening quotations of Monday. The transactions of the week have again been of the most unimportant character, and there has been no par- ticular feature to notice but that of general stagnation indeed, through- out the Stock Exchange dealers are loud in their complaints of "nothing to do." Consols were first dealt in at 96 4, and the closing price of this after- moon is 951 1; the decline is attributable to the advices from America being still of an unfavourable character, or at any rate notof a nature to allay the anxiety existing in the commercial world, together with the fact that con- siderable speculative accounts are known to be open which were entered to for the rise, but unsupported lately by public investments. Money has likewise been in increased demand at a shade higher rates, though ne pressure has been apparent, the supply being extremely abundant ; and as the public appears for the present to abstain from entering into any trans- actions the tendency in prices is naturally downward. Reduced leaves on 9511. Bank Stock, 219 221. Exchequer. Bills, 3235. India Loan Deben- tures' 991 991. In the Foreign Stork Market there has been an almost total absence of legitimate business, the only operations of any importance having been those in connexion with the settlement of Wednesday last. The new Brazilian Loan declined to 1 / dia., but has slightly recovered ; the Scrip is now quoted ft ft dia. 'Victor Emmanuel stationary at 4 1 prem. Turkish Six per Cents have today fallen about ft per cent, closing 95 S; Turkish Four per Cents, 104 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 86 88 ; Peruvian Three per Cents, 65 67; Buenos Ayres' 82 84' Portuguese Three per Cents, 46 47; Spanish Three per Cents, 45 451 ; Dutch Four-and-a- half per Cents, 991 1004; and Mexican, 20 204. Money in this market has ruled at from 4 to 5 per cent. The Railway Share Market has been heavy all the week, and prices hare in nearly all cases receded, the fall ranging from 15s. to 40s. per share. Great Western are quoted 2, and Midland, Birmingham, and Leeds, 1 per cent lower ; other shares have declined in equal proportion. Great Western, 49 494; London and North-Western, 00 ; Midland, 914; London and South-Western, 463 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 36/ 371 ; Berwick, 90•' Caledonian. 391 40; London and Brighton, 108 109 - Great Northern Stock, 101 1011 • Eastern Counties Shares, 12 121. Tin traffic returns are only of a slightly improved character, and business upon the whole has been most limited. The rates for carrying over on the Account day were very moderate. The French Market has shown considerable firmness ; during the pass week a number of purchases have been made by influential parties, ands better feeling having decidedly shown itself, a rise of 21. per share has taken place in several lines. Paris and Strasbourg, 25 2o4; Northern of France, 371 884; Paris and Lyons, 301 31. Luxembourgs stationary, 71 4 ; Namur and Liege, 84 91. The Indian Market is steady, particularly the shares paid in full, which have been bought considerably by the public for invest- ment. East Indian, 1041 1054; Great Indian Peninsular, 21 214; Madras 20/. shares, 20/ 203.

At the annual meeting of the proprietors of the Bank of Australasia, on Monday, a dividend and bonus were declared making a distribution for the year of 20 per cent. No logs of any consequence arose from the commer- cial crisis. The Directors " regret " the general introduction in Australia of the system of allowing interest on deposits ; they have felt obliged to accede to it, though it is a system peculiarly unsuited for a new country, where considerable difficulty is experienced in laying out money in short and easily convertible loans ; if continued, it will affect the profits of the banks. The remuneration of the Directors was increased from 28001. a year to 3600/.

The Edinburgh and Glasgow Bank having got into difficulties, it has been arranged that the business shall be taken up by the Clydesdale Bank. The shareholders of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Bank will lose the greater portion of their paid-up capital, and they will perhaps have to pay a call, but 15,000 10/. shares of the Clydesdale Bank are to be given to them. The Edinburgh and Glasgow Bank was in trouble in 1847-8, and it has never fully recovered itself. Recently, depositors have become alarmed, have withdrawn their money, and there is consequently a lack of cash to carry on the business.

The prospectus has been issued of the Channel Islands Telegraph Com- pany, formed for the purpose of laying a submarine cable from Weymouth to Alderney, Jersey, and Guernsey. The capital is 30,0001. in 10/. shares, and the Government have consented to give a guarantee of 1800/. per an- num, or 6 per cent, for twenty-five years. A contract has been concluded with Messrs. Newell, who for 25,000/. are to deliver the line in complete working order by the end of next month at the latest ; 50001. will remain as a fund for renewing the cable in case of accidents, and hence the Govern- ment allowance will be equal to more than 7 per cent on the actual imme- diate outlay.

A company is proposed to be formed to continue the mail service to Aus- tralia in place of the European and Australian Company, which has proved incompetent for the task. The new concern is to be called the British and Australian Royal Mail Company, and is to carry on its operations from Liverpool, under the management of Mr. Cunard. Governnlent aid is re- lied upon, and preliminary arrangements have been made to obtain on eli- gible terms ten efficient steamers, some of which are already at the proper stations. The capital is to be 600,000/., in shares of 100/. each. A "Great India Submarine Telegraph Company" is proposed : capital, 1,000,0001. The proposal is to construct a line on Mr. Allan's patent f.TOM Falmouth to Bombay, rid Gibraltar, Malta, and Alexandria, and thence by the Red Sea to Aden and Bombay. Mr. Allan contends that his system confers the advantage of an economy of 40 per cent in the first cost Of 00.11' struction, and of more than 50 per cent in the working.

The splendid weather operates strongly on the Corn-market : on Mon- day, wheat fell ls. to 2s., and the lowest price was no more than 37s. per quarter.

The commercial advices from Melbourne and Adelaide are discouraging, the supply of goods exceeding the demand.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and Bth Victoria, cap. 82, for the week ending on Wednesday the 6th day of June 1858.

1111117. DEPUMIENT.

Notes issued £31,686,585 Government Debt Other Securities Gold Co and Bullion 17,211,585 Sliver Bullion —


£31,656,585 01;686,5135


S14,553,000 Government Securities (incl.-

3,161,071 ding Dead Weight Annuity) E10,630,123 5,062,656 Other Securities 14,648,140

13,654,427 Notes 12,225,160 Seven Days and other Bills— 784,190 Gold and Silver Cain 707,885

E38,215,308 £38,215,308

Proprietors' Capital Rest Public Deposits' Other Deposits • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, &Dividend AM.