19 JUNE 1897, Page 25

Peeps into Bird - Life. By Alicia Donne. (Simpkin and Marshall.) —Miss

Donne has written some pleasing verses about the looks and ways of birds, beginning with the " sea-blue " bird, which has been known to the Muses since the days of Alcman. They show the gift of observation and are instinct with the affection of one whose knowledge of Nature is warmed by sympathy. Honesty compels us to say that the verses would have been better for a little more compression and correction. A running pen is well, but it must not run too fast. The prelude, for so the Bishop of Wakefield, not to break a vow forswearing prefaces and recommendations, names his introductory poem, is quite admirable The following might well be from a chorus in the " Birds "

I see them; I hear them, the beautiful things, And the air is alive with the pulse of their wings, They are chirping and twittering, piping and trilling, Whistling, and calling, and singing, and thrilling. Crowing, and clucking, and cawing, and fluting. Cheeping, and screaming, and cooing, and hooting ; They come from the moorland, the marsh, and the sea, They drop from the cloud, and they dart from the tree."