19 JUNE 1897, Page 26


Armstrong (G. F. Savage.), Queen-Empress St Empire, 1937-1897 (M. Ward) 5/0 Hauge (J. K.), The Pursuit of the Honse-Boat, 12mo (Osgood) 2/0

Beaman (A. H.), Popular Royalty, 8vo (S. Low) 10/6

Brigga (J. II.), Naval Administrations. 1827 to 1892, Bye (S. Low) 21/0 Brunton (T. L.), Lectures on the Action of Medicines, Svo (Macmillan) 10/6

Cameron (Mrs. Lovett), A Mass's Undoing, or 8vo (F. V. White) 6;0 0 uamberlain (J.), Foreign and Colonial Speeches, Cr 8vo (Routledge) 3/6

Copinger (W. A.), The Bible and its Transmission, folio (Sotheran) 105,0 Don (J.), First Stage Sound, Light, and Heat, or 8vo (Olive) 2/0

Feesey (11. J.), Ancient English Holy Week Ceremonial, 8vo (Baker) 7/0

Forlong (J. G. R.), Short Studies in the Science of Comparative Religions, roy 8ro (Quantal)) 28/0 Gerard (E.), An Electric Shock, and other Stories, or 8vo ...(W. Blaekwood) 6/0 Greer (M.), A Vision's Vole°, and other Poems, 12mo (Digby & Long) 2/6

Guest (N.), List of Members of the Royal Yacht Squadron Zaehnsderff) 21/0

Harvey (M.), Newfoundland in 1897, or 8vo S. Low) 5/0

Jones (11. A.), The Case of Rebellious Susan, mmo (Macmillan) 2/6

Labour in the Longest Reign 12mo (Richards) 1/0 Lewis (D.), Life of Se. John of the Cram or 8vo (T. Baker) 4/6 Lowe (J.), The Yew Trees of Great Britain and Ireland, 8vo ...(Maamillan) 12/0 Miall (L. C.), Thirty Years of Teaching, Llmo (Macmillan) 3/6 Millais (J. G.), British Deer and their Horns, folio (Sotheran) 84/0 Muir (R ), and Another, Manuel of Bacteriology, cr 8ve (Pentland) 12/6

Ribot (Th.), The Psychology of the Emotions, or Bye (W. Scott) 6/0

Richardson, The National Movement in the Reign of Henry III, (Macmillan) 6/6

Selwyn (J. ILL Pastoral Work in the Colonies, dre-, 12mo (S.P.O.K.) 2/0

Taylor (S.). The Life of John Sebastian Bach, or 8vo (Macmillan) 2/6

Thomas (J. L. L.), Journeys among the Gentle jape, or 8vo (S. Low) 7/6