19 JUNE 1909, Page 1

We regard with very great satisfaction the announcement that not

only are the Emperor and Empress of Russia to visit the King at Cowes during Regatta week, but that the Presi- dent of the Duma and some of the chief men in the Council of the Empire and in the Puma are to pay us a visit next week. They may be sure of a most cordial welcome here, not only because they are Russians, but because they are Members of the Russian Parliamentary bodies. The Members of the Duma who are visiting us belong to the moderate and Constitutional groups, the reactionary and revolutionary sections of the House being alike unrepresented. Though the nation's hospitality would have been accorded to all Members of the Puma, no matter to what group they belonged—with the political opinions of those Members and the internal politics of Russia generally Englishmen can have nothing to do—it is no doubt appropriate that the Central Parlia- mentarians should find special pleasure in coming to this country and observing institutions which are built upon the spirit .of moderation and Constitutionalism.