19 JUNE 1909, Page 18


ITo THE EDITOR OE THE " Spscrwroa."J Sin,—There was a reference a week since by Lord Grey to the New Zealand School Journal which will interest readers of, the Spectator. Forty-seven thousand New Zealand children inning hundred and eighty-one of their schools forwarded a penny each to the Wolfe-Monte:Lim Memorial Park. A pretty incident in itself, but, what is more valuable, we learned from Lord Plunket's letter that the School Journal of that "Socialist State" showed all these nice young people the ,historic battle in its true perspective and its relation to the Empire and its map-making. Lord Grey's speeches last year Anvited just this far-away response, and we who have come to gard him with affection because of these idealisms are the happier for this incident. "Hitch your waggon to a star," said Emerson. Might not a School Journal be organised at )some to impress those plastic minds P—I am, Sir, &c.,