19 JUNE 1936, Page 40

"The Spectator" Crossword No. 195


(.1 prize *Jane guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution o f this crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be narked Crossword Puzzle,- aril should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. 21, flans• the winner will be published in our next 'Wide. Envelopes containing solutions nr.c..0 tear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise the' are surcharged on delivery.]


1. This part of a watch is never new !

11 & 9. This sacrifice is not likely to be welcome if it comes from the cook !

14. This piece of mechanism holds a fruit.

17. Shrivels about last.

19. A short officer.

20. rev. " . . to live, but do not live to . . ."

21. We got mixed up in a dis- orderly stir.

22. Entangle about a hail or farewell.

23. Uproar.

25. rev. Foreign river.

26. Wink.

28. rev. Sounds like a floury animal !

29. State of supreme happiness is found in this belief.

32. " The rebel . . ., who dares his prince engage, Proves the just victim of his royal rage."

34. rev. 21 keeps its intelligence without it.

35. rev. Sea-pen.

36. At scant need (snag.).

DOWN 1. This plant is nothing but counterfeit stone !

2. Boiling.

3. A clumsy barber might do this but he wouldn't necessarily become this kind of a murderer !

4. A large cask got stuck in the broken door.

5. Dly first and second are unchecked in 9.

6. If you wash in this you will get into trouble. Two words).

7. Newfoundland.

8. A good thing to keep out of ! 10. Machines separating cotton from seeds.

12. rev. 150 -I- 20.

13. " Sleep shall neither night nor day Hang upon his pent-house lid He shall live a man . . ."

15. A girl's name after a thousand brings

16. rev. Succeed in remem baring.

18. rev. Turn up these and you have to die.

24. Can be made clean.

27. rev. " let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp ; And crook the pregnant hinges of the . . ."

30. The colour that is left.

31. rev. Membrane-enclosed cavity.

33. Only half have.

35 Will make the core again !