19 JUNE 1964, Page 13

SIR,—II is curious that' Mr. Randolph Churchill is able to

tell your readers in detail how many reporters the Sunday Times sent to Aberdeen and other places to cover the typhoid story. But he is unable to tell them for certain whether or not the story in the Sunday Telegraph on the same subject was .written before or after the appearance of the first edition of the Sunday Times. (If your readers are interested in this kind of Fleet Street tittle- tattle, I can tell them that it was before.) The important point is that Mr. Churchill, writing a column about the press in which he often refers both to the Sunday ?Yates and the Sunday Telegraph, never, so far as I know, checks any of his facts with this office, whatever he niay do with our rivals.

It is all very strange. Mr. Churchill has friends here. We enjoy talking to him. But he seems to prefer getting his information elsewhere.

'Sunday Telegraph'


[Mr. Churchill refers to this letter on p.820— Editor, Spectator.]