19 MARCH 1831, Page 9

The French Ministry has been modified, as we stated it

would be in our last,Number. M. CASIMIR PERRIER is President of the Council; the remaining members are—Baron Louts, Finance; BARTHE, Keeper of the Seals ; MONTALI VET, Public Instruction ; Compte d'ARoour, Commerce and Public Works ; Admiral de Riosry, Marine ; SOULT, War ; SEBASTIANI, Foreign Affairs. The change, it will be seen, is rather one of Premiers than of Cabinets ;. the tendency, however, being to check the progress of revolutionary movement. The funds rose rapidly, but they have not maintained their advance. An association has been very ex- tensively formed in Paris for the purpose of carrying into actual -operation the principles of the Revolution ofJuly ; and M. BAUDE has submitted a motion to the Deputies, declaring CHARLES the :Tenth and the whole of his family for ever banished from the ter- ritory of. France, and incapable of holding property in it. In the end of last week, considerable alarm was created, from a number of young students traversing the streets with flags, and endeavour- ing to excite the people with cries of "Down with the Russians ! long live-the Poles !" They were, however, speedily repressed by the military authorities. . It has been remarked in three recent cases of disturbance, that the Line has been used more and the National Guard less than during those that took place some weeks ago. There seems to have been nothing very serious in them. The war mania, notwithstanding, is increasing in violence among -our neighbours, as it appears to be, most foolishly and mischiev- ously, among a small party of ourselves. At Lisle, every thing is in a bustle of movement ; and so serious have been the demon- strations of an intention to interfere with Austria in any attempt to Tut down the Italians, that it is alleged the Emperor has threatened .Louis PHILIP with young NAPOLEON! This will prove a boot- less boast. The man above all others who maintains precarious peace in France, is its honest, well-meaning King. If the Bona- partists and Republicans were once dominant, Austria would not remain unattacked for a single week, nor the Poles unassisted.