19 MARCH 1836, Page 10



The English Funds have continued in a depressed state during the whole of the week ; and the market has not been relieved by a purchase of 90,000/. mule yesterday on account of the West Indian Indemnity Fund. There are rumours of a direct intervention in the affairs of Spain ; but we believe them to rest upon a very slight foundation. We are inclined to attribute the heaviness of the market to the state of our negotiations with Russia ; the questions of the evacuation of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, and of the free navigation of the Dardanelles by our ships of war, being at present earnestly pressed upon the Cabinet of St. Petersburg.

The transactions of the Foreign Market have been principally confined to

Spanish Stock ; which, in consequence of the improvement of prices in Paris, and the belief in the report of an intervention by France and England to put an end to the civil war in the Peninsula, has evinced more firmness than for a consi- derable period. The rise in price since Saturday, has not been very material ; but the character of the market has been entirely changed, and the fluctuations have not been accompanied by those sudden depressions to which we have had so frequent an occasion to refer. By Intelligence received to. day from Lisbon to the 1st March, we learn that that another change of Ministry is at hand ; and that the imbecile councils of N. CAMEOS and the Marquis of LOULE will give place to a Government of which the Duke of TERCEIRA will be the head ; but these arrangements are mot expected to be completed till the arrival of the Prince Royal, the in- tended consort of the Queen. The expiring Ministry presented its Budget to the Chamber on the 29th tilt.; but as it had not been printed, or its presenta- tion been accompanied with any explanations, the journals are silent as to its contents. We learn, however, by private letters, that the deficit upon the year will exceed 2,000,000/. This intelligence has not produced any effect upon the Portuguese Funds; which are within a trifle of yesterday's quotations. The Dutch, Russian, and other European Securities have been steady at the prices of last week. , The South American Securities are heavy ; particularly the Chilian, which at one period yesterday was done at a depression of 5 per cent, upon the price a the previous day, in consequence of the receipt of intelligence that the Con- gress of the Republic had closed the session of 1836, without making the ex- pected provision for the liquidation of the claims of the Britiah creditors. The Railway Shares are all lower than last week, and in some of the heavier Shares the fall has been considerable; caused, we believe, by extensive sales on the behalf of country holders, who wisely seek to realize the large premiums to which the shares in some of these undertakings have risen. The greatest decline has been in the Shares of the Great Western Company ; which have been 10/. below previous prices. The lesser Shares are generally lower. The fluctua- tions of the market are guided by the progress made in the various Com- mittees of the House of Commons to which the bills are referred.


The continued improvement of the prices of Spanish Stock in the Foreign, Market has given a further impulse to those Securities here, and a further rise of 4 has occurred in Active Stock today. The briskness of the Spanish Market has operated favourably upon the Portuguese Stocks, which are full 1 per cent, above yesterday's prices: the Consol Market is also firm at the current quotations.

Among the Railway Sharer', the Great Western are 2/. higher than yester-

day; the present price being 31/. per share. Stephenson's Brighton are also in demand, having been done at 124 prem. The other enterprises are quoted at the following premiums—Aylesbury 14 ; Brighton ( Stephenson's) 12 13; ditto ( Rennie's) 14 ti; Bristol and Exeter 6 7 ; Birmingham and Gloucester 10i Birmingham and London 65 70; Greenwich 10 II; Great Western 30 31 (Great North of England 3i 4; North Midland 61 74 ; York and ditto 3 4; Southampton 8 9 ; South Eastern 44 5.


The Spanish Securities have continued to improve; and at one period of the afternoon, Active Stock was as high as 48. The closing price is, however, lower—viz. 471 A. Portuguese Stock is higher ; the last quotation being 50,4 i. for the Three per Cents. and 791 804 for the Five per Cents. The Chilian Bonds have risen materially ; and, after having been at 49i, close at 48 49. The report of the Legislature having adjourned without providing the expected remittance for the Dividend was erroneous ; the fact being, that the Congress was sitting when the last advices came away ; moreover, the revenue of the republic had been continually improving, and the surplus of the last year was more than sufficient to meet the current claims accruing upon the interest of the Foreign Debt. The Railway Shares close nearly at the morning's prices. There has been a fair demand for the Great Western and Stephenson's Brighton Shares; but it has not led to any variation in the price of either.

Dutch 21 per Cents 50t

Freud, 3 per Cents — Mexican 5 per Cents. —. Portuguese 3 per Cents. 504 I Do. Regency 5 per Cent. 79t 80* Russian, 1921.5 per Cent 104

Spanish. 1834.5 per Cent. 471 I

Ditto, Deferred 221 3k Ditto, Passive 159 k

3 per Cent. Consols ..... ... 919 k Ditto for Account New 39 per Cent. Anus

914 t —

India t',:tock

Bank Stock

Exchequer Bills

20 22 Belgian 5 per Cents

1031 Brazilian 5 per Cents

874 89 Danish 3 per Cents. ..... • • 779