19 MARCH 1842, Page 9


WAR•OFFICE. March 18.—Ist Regt. Life Guards—Capt. J. O'Meara, from half-pay 3d Magoon Guards, to be Capt. vice Brevet-Ida;or E. C. Fletcher. who exchanges;

Lieut. G. Rushout to be Capt. by purchase, vice O'Meara, who retires ; Cornet and

Sub.Lieutenant .1. T. Clifton to be Lieut. by purchase, lice Rushout ; II. S. Chichester Lord Templemore to be Comet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, v ice Clifton. 17th Regt. Light Drags—Coruet W. 0. Hammond to be Lieut. by purchase. Aim the Earl of Cassilis, who retires; A. Crawshay, Gent, to be Cornet. by purchase, vice Hammond. lit Regt. Foot—W. J. Itamptield, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. vice Broadley,

appointed Quartermaster. 11th Foot—Capt. J. S. Norris, from the 34th Foot, to be

Capt. vice Lee, who exchanges. 12th Fix t—Lieut. J. F. Kempt to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice Walhouse, who retires; Ensign 3. Marcon to be Lieut. by perches°, rice Kempt; R. Atkinson, Gent, to be Ensign by purchase, vice Mascot. 34th Foot- Capt. .1. Lee, from the Ilth Fo 5, to be Capt. vice Norris, who exchanges. 63d Foot- Ensigu John Hardie to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Le•dham. appointed to the 88th Foot; C. J. Parke. Gent, to be Ensign. vice Hardie. 78th Foot Ma.:0: J. M. newton to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Wemysti, promoted in the St. Helena Regt. 88th Foot.—Lieut. J. 11. Leathern, from the 631 Foot, to be Lieut. cc Adams, deceased.

Memorandum—The date of the Army rank of Lieut. 3.0. Cox. of the 24 West India Regt. is the list December 1839, but that in his Regt. is to remain as at present, viz; the Silt of August 1840. ADMIRALTY, March I5.—Corps of Royal Marinez—G. S. Dunbar, Gent, to be Second Lieut; J. Manger, Gent, to be Seeoad Lieut.