19 MARCH 1870, Page 13

One writer of a threatening letter in Ireland has at

last been detected and punished. Mrs. Peunefather, of Golden, Tipperary, recently raised her rents, and among others that of Stephen Meagher, her bailiff, from £36 to in. On 5th November a letter was received by Mr. Exshaw, agent to the property, threatening him with death for his tyrannical proceedings. Mrs. Pennefather was also ordered to dismiss him. A similar letter was sent to Stephen Meagher, intended to avert suspicion. Ile was, however, suspected, the letters were compared, and found to be in the same handwriting, while three postage-stamps, found in his house, corresponded exactly with the three others affixed to the letters. He was found guilty, and sentenced to five years' penal servitude.