19 MARCH 1887, Page 2

The French agriculturists are forcing the Government rapidly on the

road of Protection. They have already an import duty of 3 fr. per quintal on wheat, equal to 5s. 61. a quarter; but they declare it is not sufficient. The Government resisted strongly, and the Radicals of the cities ; but the agriculturists of all parties united, and, with the support of the Right, carried on Saturday a test vote. They placed a duty of 8 fr. per quintal on flour by 323 votes to 149. On Tuesday they followed this up by increasing the duty on wheat to 5 fr. per quintal, equal to 9s. a quarter, and sent the Bill to the Senate. It will not, it is said, be resisted there, nearly two-thirds of that Chamber being Protectionist. The tax on imported food in France may therefore be now taken as equal to 25 per cent. ad valorem