19 MARCH 1932, Page 18

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR] SIR,-1 am inclined to

agree with those of your correspondents who argue that what is most desirable in this matter of Latin pronunciation is uniformity. Is such attainable ? Can any shibboleth be discovered acceptable to " the man in the street," who, after all, is only a grown-up schoolboy. Let us try if the word Cicero will help us out of our difficulty. Are we to call that great man Kickero, as I was taught to do at school ? Or Sissero, as one hears him conunonly referred- to in Ordinary conversation ? Kickero certainly sounds rather brutal, but Kisser° is almost indecently sentimental, and Sickero is simply nauseous. Compromise might be sought along the lines Of Chiehero, or Chissero, or Sickero. Who shall decide ?-1 am,