19 MARCH 1948, Page 16


Sta,—In the last paragraph of A Spectator's Notebook in your issue of March 12th, Janus mentions that Bishop Barnes has incurred criticism as a back number in the matter of Biblical scholarship and archaeological

discovery. He also quotes an accusation that the Bishop is using " discredited science" to refute " discredited religion." These remarks all apparently refer to statements made by the Bishop in his book The Rise of Christianity. I would be greatly interested if Janus or any of your readers would tell me where I can find a reasoned criticism of this book, stating exactly in which paragraphs of his book the Bishop is wrong in his facts in matters of (a) Biblical scholarship, (b) archaeological discovery, (c) statements about science, (d) statements about religious doctrine. Up to the present I have read a number of denunciations of the book, but no refutations of any of the facts contained in it.—Yours, &c.,

The Old Rectory,- Ayston, Uppingham. GEOFFREY S. GEE.

[In The Bible and Modern Scholarship, by Sir Frederic Kenyon. (Murray, 3s. 6d.)—En., The Spectator.]