19 MARCH 1988, Page 49

CROSSWORD 850: Swivel-guns by Mass

A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £13.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) for the first three correct solutions opened on 5 April. Entries to: Crossword 850, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.

Radial lights, 20 from rim to centre and 20 from centre to rim, include ten words (two differently thematic quintets) clued without definitions. Five other theme-words run anti-clockwise in the circuit next to the outer one.

Name Address RADIALS (6) 1 Walrus eats nothing sour 22 2 Renegue with most of capital 23 returns 24 3 All circling carrion in Ayr 4 Stimulus received from 25 Japanese money, considerable, 26 it's said 5 Returned course essay, not 27 worth considering 6 Hitch back fold in canvas wall- cover 7 Enter with coin, ER inset 30 8 This Parisian's among the birds 9 Give relief to head, after mea- 31 sure 10 Express in Dombey's odd form 32 11 Cut of meat consumed 33 12 Carry on active in island 34 13 Move unsteadily — almost so- ber — to right 35 14 Tester baffled body of brokers 36 15 Piggy rounding tree backwards 16 T' bolt for tripod 37 17 Seize audibly in anger 18 Groom let horse out? Not he 38 19 Reduce speed in endless rush 20 Instrument makes 'er back burn 39 21 Royal Society's following account Meals with no front teeth? Turning, ants encircle once Primers, and French, among university types Soup's starter before fish Catches around NE creatures allied to civets Stands for ancient thrones Yarns about OT religious men Name concealed by clergyman Elaborate tenons, pieces with nine parts W. African sailors — sounds like it, too! (hyphened) Outrageously modern Sin from extremity I repair outside of power loom

Unfeeling note introduced Discern leaves reduced in month ending in frost

Fall for US decoy, very quietly taken in Gouty deposit in leading man of the Reformation Struggle for defence following letter Hearsay about Left 28 29 40 The solution to Crossword 847 is on page 53. Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.