19 MAY 1838, Page 10



The confident anticipations of Ministerial defeat in which the Tories indulged during Monday and Tuesday, in conjunction with the conviction paw begin. ning to gain ground that the reduction of the French Five per Cents. will not take place, caused the market for English Securities to decline ; and Consols both for Money and Account were done as low as 9:3L. The division of Tues- day night has, however, given confidence, and the price has since improved per cent. The other English Securities fell in a like proportion, and have reas vered in a similar degree. Bank Stuck has, however, declined nearly 2 per cent., the quotation to-day being 204 to 205. India Stock has been steady; the variations having been between 270/ and 2711. The premium bath opus Exchequer Bills and India had been Os. lower than last week, bat has recovered about 2s. This decline may, we believe, be atirffiuted to the improvement which has t .ken place in =time:Mal affairs (luting the last few days, cone• quent upon the favourable character of the last advice, from America, where the threatened commercial crisis seem. (for tl e prea'nt at 'sad) to be averted. The view we last week took of the proposed reduction of the French Five per Cents. is confirmed by the tenour of all the advises received during the week from Paris. It appears to be no longer a secret that Louis PHILIP iide cidedly hostile to the measure, and, as a last resort, will refuse his assent to the bill. It is said, that if the Rentes should be reduced to Four per Cents., tina lion pare de fund& will lose 20,0001. per annum—a stringent reason for his opposition.

In the Foreign Market, the business has been chiefly confined to Spanish and Portuguese Stocks, the latter of which especially have risen very materially.

The Five per Cents. Regency have been 33, the Three per Cents. 26, Five per Cents. 1837, 31, and the Old Bonds (of the Loan of 1823) 71. We behr there is no immediate cause for this improvement, other than the one to which

we alluded last week, viz. of the prospect of the return of the Constitutiontl party to power as well as to their country : the closing prices of the Bonds is

to-day 1 to I per cent, below the highest prices. Spanish Stock has rues rather more than I per cent., in consequence of the division among the Carlin chiefs, the reported insurrection of sonic of the Basques, and the renewal of the negotiations for a loan, between the capitalists of Paris, with M. LAFTIng at their head, and the Government at Madrid. The terms of loan are of • more favourable nature for the holders of the present Spanish Securities, thin those of therecent contract of M. Aanouric. The Active Stock has been at 22a, but closes at 221 Some slight improvement has occurred in the Deferred Stock, but the Passive remains the same. Brazilian Bonds Nee risen more than 3 per cent., the capture of Bahia being considered as fatal to n

tl vauseof the insurgents; there is also a demand at current prices for the other Stub American Bonds ; and Mexican Stock has improved about per cent. There has not been any material variation in the Railway Shares, though some of them, such as the Great We and Brighton, are firmer than last week. The business of the Share Market has been principally confined to the As-

Oahe Shares, in which, though there have occurred some extensive transac- nuns, prices have not improved. The Polonceau Bitumen were in demand on

alonday, at and lg prem., in consequence of extensive orders from Paris, one home having bought nearly four hundred shares: the price, however, was only maintained by these operations; as soon as they were concluded, the shares fell 4, and can now only be quoted at lj prem. Another company has made its appearance during the week, viz, the Galvanized Iron Company ; but though the .hares were for a short time at 2 prem., they have since declined to 1. Indeed, all the recent speculations seem fading away ; and in many of' the shares the prices are only nominal, it being very easy to buy at the current quotations, but almost impossible to effect sales to any extent any price. SATURDAY, TWELVE o'Cr.oc,c,

The financial statement of the Chancellor has not produced any effect upon the market, and the prices of all descriptions of Stock are the same as yester- day, Consols both for Money and Account are 9411 I. Exchequer Bills are

6710 69 prem., and India Bonds 77 79 prem. In the Foreign trket, Spa- nish Stock opened at 22i 1, but has since declined to 22} Some consider-

able purchases were effected at that price, and the market has improved tool 0. Portuguese, South American, and Mexican Bonds are the same as yesterday. The Railway Shares are also unmoved—London and Birmingham SO to 82 prem. ; Great We..tern 214 304 prem. Southampton 6 to 5 dis. ; Croydon 4 ma dia.; Greenwich 4 to 3 dis. The Asphalte Shares have not improved.

3 per Cent.Consols Ditto for Account 3 ler Cent. Reduced New 31 per Cent, /inns

Yank St tick

India Stock Ditto Bonds Exeltequer Bills Belgiau 5 per Cents 94k 91* * 93t 1021 204 5

... 270 1 77 79pm. 67 69pm. 1014 2

Brazilian 5 per Cents. .....

Danish Dutch 21 per Cents Portuguese. Regency 5 p. Cts Ditto 3 per Cent.

Russian( I822) 5 per Cent

Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent Deferred Stock Passive Ditto

79i 741 5 541 # 361 71 251 1121 13 221 ft SI 91 51