19 MAY 1838, Page 2

All the accounts from the seat of war in Spain

represent the affairs of Don CARLOS to be in an almost desperate condition. The insurrection raised by MURRAGARRY has not been entirely stifled; and a party in support of the Infante Don SEBASTIAN has appeared among the Pretender's own troops. The head-quarters of Don CARLOS have been removed front Estella, really because the place is untenable, though it is alleged that the situation is not sufficiently central. In the various skirmishes that have oc- curred, the advantage has been with the Queen's troops.

There is another prospect of obtaining a supply of money for the Government. Messrs. SAFONT and Co., LAFFITTE and Co., and their respective friends, offer to lend 5,000,000/. sterling in ready money, but on terms which show the deplorable state of Spanish credit. It appears that for the five millions the lenders are to have bonds and engagements of the Spanish Government for twenty millions ; the repayment of the capital and payment of the interest to be secured by the proceeds of the customs, the mines of Almaden, the surplus revenues of Cuba, Porto Wien and the Philippine Isles, and some property of the secular clergy: