19 MAY 1849, Page 11



The peaceable way in which the elections were conducted in Paris on Sunday last, when it was expected that some disturbances would have occurred, produced a favourable effect upon the prices of the English Funds. A momentary check was given to the upward movement, by the intelligence from Canada; but as soon as the real facts of the case were known, and what was called a rebellion turned out in reality to be only a riot, the onward progress was resumed. A further impulse was given yesterday by the prevalence of a report that a settle- ment of the Schleswig-Holstein question had been effected by the mediation of Lord Palmerston. All these causes acting together, have produced an advance of nearly 1 per cent in the price of Consols; the closing quotation this afternoon being 911 1 both for Money and Account. Bank Stock is steady; and India Stock is quoted at 247. The business of the week, however, has been on a limited scale, and scarcely any important operations have been effected: Money is still abundant, and the rate of discount the same. In the Foreign Market, the principal business has been in Mexican Bonds. At one period there was an advance -of 1 per cent upon the prices of last week; oc- casioned by a report that the Government agency will shortly be transferred to Messrs. Baring and Co., and the arrival of some letters from Mr. Robertson, the Agent of the Committee of Bondholders in Mexico, speaking favourably of the disposition of the Government to make exertions in favour of the Bondholders. A slight downward reaction occurred this afternoon: the closing quotation being 29b 1 for Stock ex-coupon, and 31b 1 for Stock with the coupons. The other Foreign Bonds are without material change. The conversion of the Peruvian Stock is still going on; and as no further discoveries of tainted bonds have occurred, there is reason to hope that the extent of the evil is already known. The appearance of the Railway Share Market is rather firmer. The prices of some of the more important lines have improved, and almost all of them have been steady during the week at previous quotations. At the commencement of business this morning, there was a considerable deinand for Shares generally, and a greater disposition to purchase was observable than has been remarked for some time. The impulse thus given to prices was not, however, supported, and in the afternoon they were generally lower. Mr. Hudson's resignation of the Chairman- ship of the York and North Midland line, and the certainty that at the meeting to be held on the 24th instant an almost total change of Directors will occur, has produced an improvement in the Shares; and the price, which yesterday was as low 28i, has today been as high as 32.

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 12th May exhibit, when comp teed with those of' the preceding week, the following results■-

BANEINO DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

Rest £3,423 —


The French Funds fell 2 per cent yesterday in Paris, in consequence of the ultra Republican character of many of the returns to the new Chamber. The opening price of Consols was per cent lower than that of yesterday afternoon, viz. 91b both for Money and Account. An evident disposition being manifested to purchase at that price, the speculators for the fall were checked in their opera- tions; the quotation hal since reached 911 both for Money and Account, and is now 911 1. There is no change of prices or business of importance in the Foreign Funds. The Railway Shares are also without any transactions worth recording. There is, however, less disposition for investment observable since the alteration in the English Stock Market. 3 per Cent. Consols 911 1 Danish 3 per Cents 66 8

Ditto for Account 911 : Dutch 21 per Cents 49 50

3 per Cent Reduced 891 1 DIM 4 per Cents 741 71 3/ per Cents 901 1 51exican 5 per Cents 291 i Long Annuities 8 9-16 1 New Grenada 161 171 Bank Stock 194 6 Portuguese N.4 per Cents 1842 28 29 Exchequer Bills 45 48 pm. Portuguese Old 1824 76 8 India Stock 245 247 Russian 5 per Cents 103 5 Brazilian 5 per Cents 78 80 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 17 1t

Belgian 41 per Cents 79 81 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 33 1

Buenos Ayres 36 8 Venezuela 24 27

Chillan 6 per Cents 90 2

Pohl.: Deposits Other Demits

Seven-day and other Bills Government Securities, Including Dead-weight Other Securities

Notes unissued

Actual Circulation


Notes Issued Bullion 30,049

This watt bast ,reek.

Total Bullion in both Departments 14,307,795 14,277,746 Actual Circulation 18,955,560 19,213,645

479,954 — — £628,438 48,004 —

— 151.000

98,191 223,605 —

— 258,085


BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, tap. 82, for the week ending on Saturday, the 12th day of May ISO. LIBUE DKPAATICIXT• Notes issuol £37,460,023 Government Debt L11,E15,1(0

Other Securities


Gold Coin and Bullion 18,137.056

Silver Bullion 875,559

- £27460621 E27,460025 BANKING DrPAITYLNT.

Proprietors. Capital

£14,553,000 Government Securities,


Rest 9,156,051 cluding Dead WeightAnnnity)L1L086,059

Public Deposits.

3,757085 Other Securities 10,013,115 Other Deposits 10,752,658 Notes 8,505065

Seven Day and other Bills ....

1,190,515 Gold and Silver Coin 807370


133,450,420 • Including Exchequer, Sayings Banks, Commissioners of Redoing Debt &Dividend Accts.