19 MAY 1849, Page 11

The general result of the French elections is thus announced

by the Con- stitutiormel; and the estimate is very nearly the same as that given by the Pats-is and other journals. " The elections of 52 departments known on Thursday night give the following result-454 representatives; of whom 298 are Moderates, 81 Democrats or Socialists, and 75 friends of the Constitution." The Journal des Dibats announces that the following candidates have obtained a majority of votes in Paris—MM. Lucien Murat, Ledru-Rollin, Boichot, Lagrange, Bedeau, Lamoriciere, Dufaure, Moreau, Victor Hugo, Pussy, Felix Pyat, Vavin, Lamennais, Bixio, Odilon Barret, Theodore Bac, Peupin, Cavaignae, Ruttier, Wolowski, Coquerel, Pierre Leroux, Considerant, Roger du Nord, Rapotel, Ferdinand de Lasteyrie, Bugeaud, Boissel. There is some doubt as to the last three names: but there is no doubt that MM. Mold, Thiers, Lion Faucher, Montalembert, and Achille Fould, are rejected by the capital.

The impression current yesterday morning, that as many as "ten" So- cialist candidates had been elected for Paris, created quite a panic on the Bourse; throwing the Three per Cents down to 85 francs 80 centimes. The Government was amply prepared to repress disturbance.

M. Lacrosse has been appointed to conduct the business of the Depart- ment of the Interior ad interim, in place of M. Lion Faucher.

The Mortiteur says that a telegraphic despatch, sent by General Oudinot, 'written from Castel Guido at noon of May the 13th, announces that the Wurtemburg Consul, accompanied by a Roman officer of rank, had just arrived at head-quarters with words of peace.