19 MAY 1860, Page 6


THE QUEEN held a Court at Buckingham Palace, on Saturday, and a second on Tuesday. Seiler Gutierrez, Minister from Honduras, and Count Ludolf, Minister from Naples, had audience and presented their credentials. Lord John Russell had an audience. On Tuesday, the Prince and Princess of Waldeck had audience of the Queen. A third Court was held on Thursday, when Count Platen, Swedish Minister, had an audience, and delivered a letter from his sovereign.

On Wednesday, her Majesty gave a State Ball at Buckingham Palace, to which a large and distinguished company were invited. On Thursday the Queen and Prince Consort were present at her Majesty's Theatre. From Saturday until Monday, Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort were at Aldershot ; and on Monday the Queen, on horseback, reviewed the troops and witnessed a sham fight on a large scale. The Prince of Wales visited the Queen on Wednesday, and returned to Oxford on Thursday. The list of guests at Buckingham Palace, includes the names of the Prince and the Princess of Leiningen, the Earl and Countess of Euston, the Earl and Countess of Derby, the Earl and Countess of Hardwicke, Lord Eversley, Lord and Lady Bury, Lord and Lady Overstone, Lord and Lady Ebury, Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Somerset, Colonel F. Seymour, C.B., and the Dean of Windsor.