19 MAY 1894, Page 1


THE French Opportunists have found a strong man in M. Casimir-Thirier. The Radicals have been very angry at -what they think his concessions to clericalism, and on Thursday asked him what he meant to do about a letter from the Nuncio directing the Bishops of France to resist an inquiry into -Church accounts recently ordered by the Legislature. The Premier replied at once, declaring that he regarded the Nuncio only as an Ambassador, and that as he had overstepped his function in addressing the Bishops, the Government had • demanded and had obtained an apology, and a promise that .the offence should not be repeated. M. Casimir-Perier there- fore regarded the incident as closed. He added, referring to another complaint made as to the Papal interference in the appointment of Bishops, that a Bishop was an officer of the -Church as well as of the State, and that consequently, while the right of nomination must always remain with the latter, -he should always ask the Pope whether a nomination would be acceptable. Whether \his course is the wise one, it is not our busine8s4o discuss, but it is at least a firm and intelligible -one. The Statèwi11 retain its supreme rights, but exercise them with as muc respect for the Church as is consistent with its own authorit . The Radicals were furious, but, as usual in France whenever a Minister is definite as well as -firm, the Chamber, by a vote of 334 to 142, "approving the declarations of the Government, passed to the Order of the Day."