19 MAY 1906, Page 2

There is no news of importance from Natal. Colonels Mansel

and Mackenzie are operating against the scattered remnants of Bambaata's force in the Nkandhla district, where their work is much hampered by transport difficulties, by the impenetrable nature of the country, and by the fact that the enemy being in small parties gives them no chance of striking a final blow. Bambaata himself is believed to have fled into Natal. Part of Kula's tribe in the Umsinga district have joined the revolt, and last Saturday Major Murray Smith proceeded against them from Helpmakaar, scattering the rebels, and killing twenty. A disquieting feature in the situation is the unrest which is said to exist among the natives on the Natal side of the Tugela, and along the whole Zululand border. Fresh levies of irregular troops continue to be raised, and there is every sign that the Natal Government are alive to the gravity of the situation, and the importance of subduing the revolt before the fire can spread elsewhere.