19 MAY 1906, Page 23

The Garden City. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. ld.)—The May number

of The Garden City, the official organ of the Garden City Aesociation, contains a very interesting article entitled "Is the Cheap Cottage a Myth ? " in which a series of questions in regard to " The Cheap Cottages Exhibition" cottages at Letchworth are put to and answered by Mr. Stark, who was the very efficient clerk of the works to the Exhibition Committee. Mr. Stark saw all the cottages erected, acted as clerk of the Judges, and is in every way most competent to pronounce an opinion. His article should be read by all those who have been inclined to listen to the wrong-headed and ill-informed suggestions that the £150 cottage was a myth, and unworthy the attention of serious people. We cannot find space to make quotations, but would strongly urge those of our readers who desire information on the question to read the article. Mr. Stark's conclusion is as follows :—" Is the £150 labourer's cottage a practicable or an illusory thing? The reply must be given that it is practicable, and that the Cheap Cottages Exhibition has shown upon what lines it may be best realised."