19 MAY 1923, Page 12


• [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sia,—Having lately returned from a four days' sojourn in the Ruhr (where fortunately I needed an interpreter with neither the French nor the German), it is impossible for me not to be keenly alive to the necessity of some arrangement being speedily arrived at between Germany and Fiance which would be possible for both these great countries to accept as honourable and satisfactory. From going myself into the very poorest houses of some of the strikers and talking to the women I was able to ascertain the spirit and to some extent determine the strength of the passive resist- ance movement of the workers. Many had eaten neither eggs nor meat since the Armistice—and still they resist. To reiterate the causes of the War is useless ; rather let us find the remedy for its results.

My experience has convinced me that the present situation is deplorable, and I write to urge that the Christian Churches, both in this land and on the Continent of Europe, should use their influence to bring it to an end. I do not ask that they should take political action. Indeed, I feel most strongly that no Churches and no Churchmen should ever. in any circumstances be political. Their witness should be spiritual and not political, or idealism will be trammelled. and throttled by intrigue. But if, in loyalty to Christ, they would reiterate the conditions on which alone a lasting peace can be made, I feel sure their appeal to the consciences of men ought in the end to prevail. Especially do I desire that the Catholic Church, of which I am a member, and which has so many adherents in France and in the Ruhr, should take an active part in this endeavour.—I am, Sir, &c.,