19 MAY 1928, Page 19

THE L.M.S. NON-STOP RUNS [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—My father—Mr. Arthur E. Donkin; of 5 Sion Hill Place, Bath—who won . your recent " How to Keep Young " competition, has sent me a copy of your issue containing the report thereof, dated 4th instant. On reading a paragraph in the second column of page 667, I see that you appear to have been misinformed concerning the L.M.S. non-stop run to Edinburgh. You my that engines were changed outside, Carlisle, but- this was not the case.

The facts are that on 27th ultimo, as a service arrangement, the 10 a.m. from Euston (` The Royal Scot ') was divided, and two trains were run through to Glasgow (401.4 miles) and Edinburgh (399/ milei) withoid any intermediate stop. No preliminary public announcement was made, as passengers would, in any case, not be affected, seeing that the service for both places is shoWn by that train in the time-tables to be without intermediate stop. The One 'engine working on each train was manned by two drivers and one fireman.

For verification of the above facts I would refer you to the Railway Gazette for May 4th.

In normal daily practice ` The Royal Scot' makes two stops, one to change engines in Carlisle Station, the other at Symington to separate the Glasgow and Edinburgh portions. —I am, Sir, &c., A. W. F. Douxiw.

- 1 London Wall Buildings, London, E.C. 2.