19 MAY 1928, Page 19


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—It is unfortunate that no one from O'Meara to Ludwig (Lord Rosebery not excepted) can write about Napoleon at St. Helena without directly or indirectly attacking Sir Hudson Lowe.

Your reviewer speaks of Longwood as " that residence which Lowe declined with disgust for Lady Lowe." This suggests that Lowe sent Napoleon where he would not go himself. - Napoleon chose Longwood himself, and after some repairs and alterations had been made went there on December 10th, 1815. The Lowes did net arrive at St Helena until April 14th, 1816, and there was never any question of their living

anywhere but at Plantation House, the-Lieutena-nt-Gbvernor's

• residence.—I am, Sir, &c., W. A. P-