19 MAY 1967, Page 29

Crossword no. 1274

I Puss-dance in China (6)

4 Heavy-lidded? (8) 8 Gain round the green means turning aside (8) 10 After the harvest, so one gathers (6) 12 Children in the suit (5) 13 It should be effectively radical (4, 5) 14 Initial loss of tension makes a lock (5) 16 Liszt's rhapsodisings (9) 17 Forced into print? (9) 19 Flighty piece? (5) 21 Gaping, at Kew, perhaps (9) 22 How Louis XIV felt himself to be? (5) 24 This bird sounds like Sir Gareth's sister-in-law (6) 25 He might go on trial in Hyde Park (5-3) 26 How to fix your hash, yet again? (8)

SolUtion to Crossword no. 1273. Across. 1 Grapple 5 Sun-spot 9 Light 10 Gold-crest 11 Gallon 12 Adverted 14 Issue 15 Offerings 18 Extempore 20 Grimm 22 Ambition 24 Clover 26 Interfuse 27 Thrum 28 Grasses 29 Showers. Down. 1 Gelignite 2 Angelus 3 Petroleum 4 Ergs 5 Solidified 6 Nacre 7 Preston 8 Toted 13 Monologues 16 Rigoletto 17 Semiramis 19 Tabitha 21 Inverse 22 Awing 23 Tares 25 News

27 Where an East Ender should find himself at ,liome on the Continent (6)

Down 1 Blake's hot-rod? (7) 2 'The encountered on a country stroll Reveal a lot about a country's soul' (Auden) (5) 3 It's so simple, unlike the dodger (7) 5 Put out a calm little chartered accountant to get the cane (7) 6 Penny cut in rag confused, it's defaming (9) 7 Cinders is all upset, see? (7) 9 Might this native have natural magnetism? (10) 11 Paying for a change of nationality? (5. 5) 15 Paper-weights? (9) 17 Go off in the midst of public relations and become a canoeist (7) 18 The Six (7) 19 Fixes Shrove Tuesday (7) 20 How Beethoven felt on losing a penny (7) 23 Might it he instrumental in getting one out of the soup? (5) Solution next week