19 NOVEMBER 1836, Page 12



The principal subject of interest here during the week has been the pro- bability of the increase of the rate of interest upon Exchequer Bills; and it has been confidently reported on each succeeding day, that notice of such increase to Val. per diem would be given. It is understood that the object of the several interviews which have occurred between the Chancellor of the Exche- quer and. the Governor and Deputy Goverzur of the Bank of England have hail reference to this measure. Money still continues in demand for mercantile purposes. Some failures of minor importance have occurred in the course of the week. The pressure has also extended to Ireland ; where one of the new Joint Stock Banks (the Irish Agricultural) has been compelled to suspend its payments. In anticipation of a run upon the other Irish Comparties, the agents of the National, Provincial, and Commercial Banks, have been very active in despatching gold to them ; and it is supposed that more than 500,000 sovereigns have been sent to Ireland. The Consol Market is considerably firmer, at an advance of nearly 5 per cent. Exchequer Bills are also higher ; the Bank sales having been entirely suspended since Saturday last. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has improved alsiut ".; per (Tut. The intelligence ieceived on Wednesday, of the abortive attempt at a counter- revolution in Lisbon, has produced a considerable decline in Portuguese secu- rities ; the Five per Cents., which on Tuesday were at Sd, having been done on the following day at 49. The fall occasioned by this event was rendered more extensive, by the circumstance that, in anticipation of the success of the counter- revolutionary project, a large speculation for the rise had been entered into by some influential capitalists connected with Portugal; who had purchased the Five per Cents, at prices varying from 50 to 565. The &Ape parties, on the news becoming known, sold largely ; and in their anxiety to get out, drove the market down to the price above cited. It has, however, since reacted about 2 per cent. Spanish Stock has fluctuated between 187, and 195. The business transacted has been quite uuimportant; but the market is in a more healthy state than it has been for some time, as the sales.on foreign account, by which it has been so continually inundated with Sto,k, have entirely ceased. The Railway Shares have been very much depressed, particularly those of the Great Western ma Southampton, but a slight improvement has taken place to-day in the former ; which are about I/. per share higher.


At the commencement of business this morning, the Consol Market evinced considerable firmness ; but SOBIC large sales by leading brokers have since caused a deelioe of 5per cent. Intelligence has been received that the old and respect- able Banking firm of Foster anti Co., of Carlisle, have suspended their pay- ments. These gentlemen acre always considered in Cumberland as men of con- siderable property; and we understand that there is little doubt that they will ultimately liquidate all Claims upon them in full. Ex- chequer Bills are, 2d. 32 dis., ai.,l lid. 5 S dis. The Foreign Stocks are generally at yesterday's prices, wit 11 the exception of Spanish, which is flatter. The Railway ::::hare Market continues unaltered.


The failure which we noticed in the morning, has induced considerable sales of Exchequer Bills, which were doubtless made by London Bankers for the purpose of enabling them to supply their country correspondents with the means of meeting any run to which the present state of things may give rise; and these securities were as low as 7 dis. ; but the price has improved, in con- sequence of the Bank Directors having forestalled the period at which they usu- ally issue the notice of their willingness to advance money upon approved nego- tiable securities, by giving such notice to-day instead of at the period when the books of the principal stocks close previous to the Dividend. Consols have been as low as 87i for the Account, and upon the promulgation of the notice rose to 876 a; Out have again receded, and close at 87i 5. Exchequer Bills are at 5 3:dis. for lid., and 3 to I dis. for 2d. Bills. Foreign Stocks are with- out any material variation; as are the Railway Shares.

3 per Cent. Consols 871 i Danish 3 per Cents. 74 75 Ditto for Account 871 Dutch 24 per Cents ...... .. 521 53 3 per Cent. Reduced 86t t

Mexican 6 per Cents


New 34 per Cent Anns

961 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cis. 50t It

India Stuck Ditto 3 per Cent.

321 Bank Stock 202

Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip . —

Exchequer Bills

Belgian 5 per Cents 5 2 ills,

994 100 Prussian (1818)5 per Cext .. Russian (1822)5 per Cent... — 106 107 Brazilian 5 per Cents 79 SO Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 19t t