19 NOVEMBER 1842, Page 8



After some unimportant fluctuations, the price of Consols closes this after- noon at an advance of if per cent upon the highest price of last week. There were in the early part of the week some sales of Three-and-a-half per Cents, with a view to their exchange into Three per Cents; and these Stocks continued without any alteration until yesterday, when two purchases of 40,000/. each one of which was by the Bank-broker, gave a trifling impulse to them, and the price of both New and Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents has today risen per cent. Money continues very abundant ; discounts being easily obtainable

at 2 and per cent. In the Stock Exchange on Tuesday last 100,000/. was lent till the 25th instant at the rate of 1i per cent per annum. There have been several sales of Exchequer Bills during the last few days ; under the ope- ration of which, those securities hare declined about 4s , being today at 55s. to 578. premium. Bank and India Stock have receded ; the former having been done at 169, thus marking a depression of 3 per cent from the highest price of last week ; while the latter has been at 261i. This reaction is not at all sur- prising, considering that both these securities had risen 10 per cent during the last month. The proposed reduction of the Three-and-a-half per Cent Stocks is the subject of much discussion, and many plans are given as the Ministerial one. We believe, however, that as yet the Minister can only have contem- plated the reduction, and cannot have gone so far as to have laid down any plan for it. Under the most favourable circumstances, it cannot take place till May or June next ; when, should the Income-tax realize the amount antici- pated, the operation will be materially facilitated by the rise in the price of the Government Securities, which must follow the application of the surplus re- venue to the purposes of the Sinking-fund. The Portuguese Government have amended the offer they had made to the holders of Goldsrnid's Portuguese Bonds, and now offer 85 Brazilian Stock, and 22/. 10s, Portuguese New Converted Stock, for every 100/. of Goldsmid's Portuguese Bonds. This offer has been refused by Sir I. L. GOLDSMID on his own part; and a meeting of the Bondholders will be held in the course of next week to consider it. In the meantime, the price of the Stock itself is im- proving, and 55 is offered for it; the last price at which business was done being 50. By the last arrival from the Brazils, a large amount of bullion was received, part of which was on account of the Dividends upon the Brazilian Bonds ; a rise of 2 per Cent, has consequently occurred in these secu-rities, which have improved to 65. There is also a better appearance in the markets for Columbian and other Non-dividend South American Stocks. Mexican Bonds are without improvement, and close this afternoon at 33. Reports of the commencement of a commercial treaty between Spain and ourselves have given an increased value to Spanish Stock, which is today fully 1 per Cent, above our last prices. The Active Bonds (Five per Cents.) have been done at 19; while the Three per Cents, have risen to 23i : the former have given way slightly„ and close this afternoon at 18*i ; but the highest quotation of the latter is fully supported. Portuguese Bonds have been steady within a little of our last prices, without any transactions of importance.

There has been a slight improvement in some of the Railway Shares, whiclt is the result rather of the plentifulness of money than of any increased demand for this description of investment.


There is no variation in the value of Government Securities, which close at the morning's prices. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has advanced ls., and these securities are now quoted at 56 58 premium. Bank Stock has been done at 170 and India Stock at 262; both quotations being an advance upon recent ones.

In the Foreign Market, the price of Colombian has advanced, and closes at 211 a. Spanish Three per Cents are also firmer, and after being quoted at 23i, close at 23i i. The others are without variation. The following bargains have occurred in Railway Shares, in addition to those noticed in the morning: Great Western, 84; Brighton, 35h j; Blackwell, 6; Birmingham, 184; ditto, Quarter Shares, 48*; Paris and Rouen, 22i; Sheffield and Manchester, 32i ; South-eastern and Dover, 23i; ditto, Scrip-,

181 A. Spec Cent. Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

3f per Cent Ditto

New 34 per Cents Bank Stock Exchequer Bills, 25d Ditto 2d India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 5 per Cents .. prem. do.

945 i 945 5 931 i 1004 1 10111 5 169 55 7 55 7 260 2 641 55 104 24

Columbian 6 pe. Caste ..... Danish 3 per Cu.iti ...... .. Dutch 24 per Gents Mexican 5 per Cents Coned Portuguese Regency 5 perCts

Ditto New 5 per Cents 1841

Ditto 3 per Cents....

RIDISifill 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 2.15 * li..

52/ 3 321 35 :85 .1 325

221 35 112 113 181 4 224 at SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

Not any business of importance has occurred this morning, and the prices of almost every description of English and Foreign Stocks are the same as yes- terday. We have to notice the following transactions in Shares : Banks-British North America, New, 18; London and Westminster, 24: Railways-Edin- burgh and Glasgow, 47i1; Ditto, New, 4i : Brighton, 351; Birmingham, Quarter Shares, 48i; Midland Counties, 64i.