19 NOVEMBER 1859, Page 10

A Mortara case has been dealt with by the Belgian

tribunals. A M. Moonens, living at Lendelele, near Courtrai, was robbed of his daughter Catherine (aged ten), on the 4th April this year, and as the father belongs to a body of Christians who separated from Rome on the (so held) uncanon- lest act of Pius VII. in destroying the old French episcopacy to substitute a new one chosen by Napoleon at the Concordat of 1802, suspicion arose as to foul play, and, in fact, the child was discovered at the convent of St. Genois on the 31st of May. The father prosecuted five devout ladies, agents in this fraud, whom the Courtrai Court and that of Appeal at Ghent sen- tenced each to fifteen days' prison and 100 francs fine, of course restoring the girl to her home.—Globe.