19 NOVEMBER 1859, Page 10



There has been a steady demand for money all the week, and the Bank rate has been fully supported. It was thought that at the sitting of Directors on Thursday an alteration would have been made, but it seems such a course was not then deemed advisable. The Consol Market opened on Monday at a decline of 1 upon Saturday's quotations ; the market was exceedingly heavy during the day, and a good many sales were effected, but a slight recovery occurred at the close. Of course the week has not been suffered to pass over without a certain amount of disquieting rumours, for the most part false, and tending naturally to create irritation on the other side of the Channel. The Emperor Napoleon and the French people have had perhaps rather more than their usual weekly amount of insult ; but in spite of eudeavours to produce ill-feeling between the two nations the Funds maintained a significant firmness ; French Routes do not fall, and our own Markets prove that amongst Commercial men, after all that has been written and said, there is little anticipation of a war with France, and that the idea of a disturbance only exists in the brains of those who wish to bring it about. Consols have varied between 96 sellers, and 94 961. A sale of 1110,000/. yesterday caused depression, but each morning has witnessed a recovery from the heaviness of the previous evening. Today the Market has varied 1 per cent, closing 96 961, with &downward tendency. Business haanot been of importance, the quotation for money is 95/ 96; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 941 94+; Indian Scrip, 1031 1031 ; Ditto, Loan, 1031 1031; Bank Stock, 226 223. The inquiry for money today has been very active. In consequence of the uneasy feeling for the moment created with regard to foreign polities, the Foreign Market has been dull and inanimate,—the principal business has been negotiated in Turkish, a deeline of nearly 3 per cent being at one time established ; a alight rally has, however, taken place, but the market still remains very dull, owing ,to conflicting statements respecting affairs in Constantinople. Mexican is dull at the quotation, and Venezuela a shade firmer. Buenos Ayres leaves off 81 83; Ditto Throe per Cent, 20 21; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 91 92; Ditto Three per Cent, 71 72; Peruvian Uribarren, 81 83; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 81 83, IChilian Six per Cent, 103 105; Ditto Three per Cent, 74 76; Brazilian, 96 97; Mexican, 224 221; Grenada Active, 16 17; Venezuela, 28 29 ; Austrian, 76 78; Spanish, 441 W.; Portuguese, 45 46; Sardinian, 86 87. Money has been in more demand than for some time past, 4 to 6 per cent being freely given. The Account on the 16th passed off satisfactorily.

The Railway Share Market has been subject to considerable fluctuation, and prices nearly all show a decline, but not of any moment. Great Western, 641 641; London and North-Western, 961 951 ; London and South-Western, 941 95 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 961 951; Caledonian, 901 91; London and Brighton, 112 113; North Stafford, 41 41 dis. ; Great Northern, 101i 1021 ; Eastern Counties, 541 541; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 3.5 351; North British, 59 591; Berwick, 901 91. The traffic returns for the most part are good, and the flatness in the Market is mainly attributable to sympathy with the Funds. Considering politics the French Market is comparatively steady—Paris and Strasbourg, 25 251 ; Paris and Lyons, 3.5 351; Lombardo-Venetian has been heavy all the week, and closes 11 It prem. Indian Shares are quiet, but exhibit no improve- ment.