19 NOVEMBER 1864, Page 23


Hisloire d'Altila, par H. Ameille Thierry (Barthes and Lowell) 2 vols. The Anrberge, by Rosamond Hervey, 2 vols. (Macmillan & Co.) Thornycrnit Hall, by E. J. Worboise (Jackson, Watford. & Co.) The White Wife. by Cuthbert Dade; Pictures of English Life (Sampson Low, Son, and Co.) Jeanne Lararmay, by Mrs. Hamerton (Chapman and Hall). Maggie Bell, by Warwick Holnie, 2 vols.; Broken to Harness, by Edmund Yates, 3 vole. (J. Maxwell & Co.) -

Analysis of Mr. Mill's System of Logic, by W. Stebbing; the Handbook of Dining, by Brillat Savant' ; the Greyhound in 1864, by Stonehenge (Longman & Co.) Blackader's English New Testament (Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.)

Famous Girls, by J. H. Darts!' (Virtue Brothers). The White Brunswickere, by the Rev. H. C. Adams; the Young Yachtsmen, by Anne Bowman; What Men have said about Woman, by Henry Southgate: New Echoes and other Poems, by Eliza Cook; Golden Light, being Scripture Histories for the Young, illustrated (Routiedge, Warne, & Co )

Dyer's Modern Europe, Vols. III.Sk IV.; History of Painting in Italy, Vols. I. & If.; Foss's Judges of England, Vols. VIL,

& IX.; the Music of the most Ancient /futons, by Carl Engel; Travels In Central Asia. by A. Vambery ; the Siberian Overland Route, by A. Miohle (John Murray). The Life Boat, by R. M. Ballanlyue (James Nisbet & Co.) Sermons on id oat Subject., by Cardi- nal Whseinsu (Janne Duffy).

The Queen of the Seas, by C. F. Arm- strong, 3 vole. • Cecil Forrester, by Frederick Shed:Jan, 2 vole.: Prince Hassau's Carpet, by Hope Luttrell (T. 0-


Key to the Standard Arithmetical Cards, by Henry Jones (Thomas Alurby). Beautiful Thoughts from Greek Au- thors, by C, T. Ramage (Edward Howell). Bell's English Poet', 2 vols. (Charles Griffin k Co.) German Rationalism (T. & S. Clark). Adam and the &limits, by D.MoCaus- laud (Richard Bentley'.

Famous Beauties and Historic Women,. by W. IL D. Adams, 2 Tole. (Charles J. Skeet).

Helps to Prayer and Devotion ; Fur

Life, by Louis Sand II & J. Parker). The Sunday at Home (The Religious Treat Society). Original Nursery Rhymes, by A. J. Ellis (F. Pitizum).